PCOD: A Significant Cause of Female Infertility
Polycystic Ovarian Disease or PCOD is a condition of hormonal imbalance that disrupts the normal fertility cycle in women. It occurs due to an abnormal situation when one of the ovaries starts overproducing the immature eggs that get accumulated in the ovary.
Ovaries are the female reproductive organs responsible for the pregnancy. They produce hormones like progesterone and estrogen that control the ovulation process that leads to pregnancy; and the relaxin hormone that stretches the body's muscles during pregnancy. Besides, the ovaries are essential in maintaining women's menstrual cycle. Thus, PCOD is a condition that affects a woman's menstrual cycle and overall health condition.
Cyst Pregnancy
Ovarian cysts don't usually make it harder to get pregnant. However, some ovarian cysts can be linked to conditions that may affect fertility, such as endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS):
Endometriosis: A common condition that causes tissue similar to the uterine lining to grow outside the uterus. Endometriomas, a type of ovarian cyst caused by endometriosis, can make it harder to get pregnant.
PCOS: A condition that causes many small cysts on the ovaries, irregular periods, and high levels of certain hormones. PCOS can lead to less frequent ovulation, which may affect fertility.
Uterine fibroids are present in 30-70% of women of reproductive age. Uterine fibroids distort the uterine cavity. Therefore there is consensus of a negative impact on both the clinical pregnancy and delivery rates. In addition, studies have also reported an increased risk of spontaneous miscarriage with submucosal fibroids. In biomedicine, myomectomy is considered the treatment of choice and Assisted Reproductive Technology is advised to overcome infertility. In Hārita Saṃhitā treatment is given for recurrent abortion (Garbhasrāvī). In this study, considering pitta doṣa and altered uterine receptivity (kṣetra duṣṭi) as causative factors, purgation (virecana karma) was done, enema (yoga basti) was given after post purgation protocol (saṃsarjana karma). After body purification (śodhana), garbhasthāpaka drugs were given to the patient for one month. Patient conceived in the second month with this treatment. In Antenatal Care, haematinics and calcium supplements and month wise Ayurvedic medication (Māsānumāsika kaṣāya) were given for nine months. Elective caesarean section ắs done after GA 38 weeks (USG) followed by inj. Wymesone 8 mg. The procedure uneventful. Thus proving Ayurvedic management of recurrent abortion due to uterine fibroid. It is cost effective and improves and normalises uterine receptive environment.
The diagnosis of oligozoospermia is based on one low count in a semen analysis performed on two occasions. For many decades sperm concentrations of less than 20 million sperm/ml were considered low or oligospermic, recently, however, the WHO reassessed sperm criteria and established a lower reference point, less than 15 million sperm/ml, consistent with the 5th percentile for fertile men. Sperm concentrations fluctuate daily and oligozoospermia may be temporary or permanent.
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